Preventing and Managing Debt Crises: The Role of Debt Transparency

Amidst calls for debt relief to mitigate the socioeconomic consequences of COVID-19 in Africa, debt transparency has become an even more pressing issue, in view of the recent wave of debt suspensions under the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) and calls for Private Sector Involvement (PSI). This paper assesses the key risks stemming from debt…

EMEA webinar report: “Reforming International Debt Architecture: Can Debt Transparency Be Achieved for Africa” – 22 October 2020

The focus of the webinar was to discuss the role of debt transparency in reforming the international debt architecture. The discussion was Africa specific and tackled issues such as sovereign defaults and debt relief measures, the role of the international organisations (e.g. IMF and the EU), the private sector and the potential path towards debt…

New EMEA policy paper – Making Transparency Pay: Designing the Right Incentives for Debt Managers in Africa

This policy paper proposes the introduction of a variable remuneration component for debt managers in Sub-Saharan Africa and other less developed countries characterised by relatively underdeveloped institutional capacity and governance standards. The aim is to improve debt management outcomes and public debt transparency by aligning the interests of decision makers with those of the public.…